Vektorové mapy moří a oceánů online


Společnost SeaZone Solutions oznámila, že má k dispozici vektorové mapy všech moří a oceánů. Zdroje dat pocházejí od různých dodavatelů z celého světa, takže pokrytí je bezešvé a globální.

Ačkoliv Česká republika nemá moře, najde se mezi jejími občany řada těch, co brázdí oceány a moře. Pokud potřebujete data pro svoji plavbu, můžete nově využít online datovou službu SeaZone HydroSpatial Global, která poskytuje vektorová data o všech mořích a oceánech.


Oficiální tisková zpráva:

SeaZone HydroSpatial Global is now available on-line from the SeaZone shop https://www.SeaZoneDirect.com. HydroSpatial Global is the first worldwide marine vector product and is sourced from official hydrographic data providers. It delivers complete and seamless coverage of the world’s oceans.

HydroSpatial Global is a medium to small scale marine vector mapping product with 31 feature types. It is delivered in eight degree tile extents and is offered at a price which makes global marine coverage truly affordable for organisations with a worldwide reach. It is ideal for those who need low cost background data coverage of the world at a national or regional scale. It takes only a few minutes for the data to be available to download once an order has been placed.

Hydrospatial Global is ideal for use as a marine spatial planning aid and decision support tool. It is applicable for use in regional, national and oceanic contexts and applications such as vessel tracking, regional seas management and operational oceanography. HydroSpatial Global performs well when interrogated by complex geo-processing or spatial analysis within a GIS. For less demanding requirements, HydroSpatial Global represents an excellent low-resolution selectable back-drop, with flexible filtering and styling.

HydroSpatial Global forms a single mosaicked representation. It uses a comprehensive, intuitive feature and attribute data model, similar to the one used in its sister product HydroSpatial Base (which is also available from https://www.SeaZoneDirect.com ). This allows the two products to be fully interoperable.

To view and select data for free, please set up an account at SeaZone Direct.com: https://seazone-market.weogeo.com/register

For further information about HydroSpatial Global please visit the SeaZone website: https://www.seazone.com/HydroSpatialGlobal.php