Otevřené jaro uspořádalo hackathon, který má nyní své vítěze


Dvouměsíční INSPIRE hackathon, pořádaný v rámci Otevřeného jara, má své vítěze.

The Open Spring INSPIRE Hackathon 2021 focused on developments and innovations in agriculture, the environment, transport, tourism, geospatial applications, remote sensing and GNSS is after two-month hacking over. More than 70 participants have contributed to all 11 very relevant series of challenges and their results were evaluated by an international experts jury.

The jury members Tereza Šamanová (CzechInno), Lilian Ndungu (RCMRD), Bente Lilja Bye (BLB), Danny Vandenbroucke (KU Leuven), Karim Jouhari (Schuttelaar & Partners), Josef Hnojil (GeoBusiness), Kiringai Kamau (GODAN), Pavel Kogut (21c) announced the following winners for the Open Spring INSPIRE hackathon:

In addition to jury, we also gave the public the opportunity to choose top 3 teams. The public vote turned out as follows: