STAVEBNICTVÍ Bentley Systems

Bentley Systems spouští iTwin Platform pro tzv. digitální dvojčata


Firma Bentley Systems, která v předchozích dnech uspořádala virtuální konference Year In Infrastructure, informovala o spuštění iTwin Platform.

iTwin Platform navazuje na dosavadní pracovní postupy, spojené s digitálními dvojčaty, Design Review a Design Validation. Viceprezident pro iTwin Platform, Adam Klatzkin popisuje ve zprávě, co se povedlo vytvořit.

Launching iTwin Platform

This is a brand-new platform-as-a-service for developers that builds on our existing iTwin cloud services and the iModel.js open source programming library. Our guiding principle is openness, which in software terms means we support a broad range of Bentley and third-party design tools and file interchange formats including IFC. We support exports in IFC 2X3 and 4.3 (including the new buildingSMART Civil schema additions).

The platform includes a growing library of connectors, microservices, and tools for information management and visualization. These are supported with instant-on synchronization from both the cloud and desktop.

The iTwin platform now integrates with Microsoft Teams and Power BI. iTwin cloud services are available directly within Teams and support Design Review and Issue Resolution capabilities while taking advantage of Teams features. This extends the capabilities of iTwin to non-engineering users throughout an organization. A Power BI connector enables iTwin data mashups and visualization within a Power BI dashboard including generation of 2D and 3D heatmaps.

The iTwin platform also integrates seamlessly with Azure Digital Twins and Azure IoT Hub. It generates digital twin definitions in Microsoft’s Digital Twin Definition Language (DTDL), which enables real-time and time-series IoT data to be incorporated into digital twins.

We have also developed iTwin XR, a prototype of an iTwin extension for immersive reality that enables digital twins to be displayed in Microsoft HoloLens based on Azure Remote Rendering. We expect iTwin XR to be available for tech preview in Q1.

Enabling iTwin Applications

The iTwin platform is the foundation for Bentley to add digital twin capabilities to its portfolio of modeling, simulation, project delivery,
and asset performance applications. These applications utilize the platform-as-a-service to participate in digital twin workflows, create
content for digital twins, run analytics, simulations, and more.

“iTwin Enabled” applications initially include ProjectWise 365, SYNCHRO, AssetWise, OpenComms, OpenUtilities, and PlantSight.

Empowering the iTwin Ecosystem

ISVs have already developed commercially available digital twin applications based on the iTwin platform. We hosted a two-day
virtual workshop in June that attracted hundreds of developers.

To date, we have completed more than 20 hackathons to encourage development.

Siemens Smart Infrastructure has chosen the iTwin Platform as a foundation pillar for its Building Digital Twin.

We are also contributing our knowledge and expertise to the affinity groups and industry associations that are forming to accelerate
industry adoption of digital twins and harmonize standards. These include the Digital Twin Consortium, buildingSMART, and Centre for Digital Built Britain.

We have just launched the iTwin Partner Program and are now accepting applications from ISVs and start-ups that are building digital twin applications.

Unreal Game Engine

Bentley Systems is proud to be a recipient of an Epic Games MegaGrant. This grant accelerates joint development between the
two companies and encourages open data exchange between our two platforms.

This collaboration will open the door for iTwin data exchange with the Unreal game engine, enabling designers to bring their infrastructure models to new levels of interactive realism.

Unreal allows users to quickly and easily produce high-quality images, panoramas, and standard or 360° VR videos in seconds. For architecture, construction, urban planning, and landscaping professionals, Twinmotion combines an intuitive icon-driven interface with the power of Unreal Engine.