Celosvětová Esri konference letos nebude, kvůli koronaviru se uskuteční virtuálně

Jack Dangermond Esri / GeoBusiness

Mezinárodní konference firmy Esri, která se koná v červenci v San Diegu a přijíždí na ni více než patnáct tisíc lidí z celého světa, se letos kvůli světové pandemii Covid-19 bude konat pouze virtuálně.

Jack Dangermond, spoluzakladatel firmy Esri, to oznámil v e-mailu 22. dubna, ve kterém napsal:

“As a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis, we are making the decision to move the 2020 Esri User Conference in San Diego to a virtual format. This is a great disappointment to me personally, as I know it will be for many of you.

The following is an outline of our current plan, with more information available in the Esri UC FAQs:

  • The event will take place July 13–15, 2020.
  • The Plenary Session, technical workshops and Esri Showcase will be virtual, featuring many demonstrations and live discussions during the conference.
  • There will be many opportunities for networking, collaboration and real-time interaction with Esri experts and staff.
  • User presentations and the Map Gallery will be featured digitally.
  • A library of recorded sessions and demos will be created and kept available as an ongoing resource.
  • Registration will be complimentary for all Esri customers who are current on their maintenance or subscription.“

Jack Dangermond také požádal zákazníky o jejich návrhy. Svůj názor můžete prostřednictvím online průzkumu vyjádřit do 29. dubna.

V e-mailu se také píše:

“Forty years ago this month, we had our first User Conference in Redlands, California, with only a handful of participants,” Dangermond wrote. “While initially no one was quite sure of what the outcome would be, the event started an ongoing tradition where Esri and our users would come together, share our work, learn and create a community of common interests.

That first meeting on the Esri campus provided the groundwork for the annual event at which thousands of professionals from every corner of the globe meet one another, share inspiring examples of work and learn from each other’s experiences.

While we can’t replicate the experience of being together in person, we will do our best to create an amazing event that will continue to move you and our community forward. One of the benefits of going with a virtual format will be that organizations will be able to send an unlimited number of attendees.”