Firma Esri pořádala setkání vývojářů, kteří pracují s technologiemi jako ArcGIS nebo ArcGIS Pro.
Připravili jsme pro vás přehled všech videí, která zazněla na letošním Esri Developer Summitu, určeném speciálně pro vývojáře.
- Welcome to DevSummit!
- ArcGIS: A Platform for Developers
- Building Apps
- ArcGIS Dashboard
- Feature Tiles
- Smart Mapping
- 3D – From Thematic to Realistic
- Web App Design
- Web Developer Tooling
- New ArcGIS Map Viewer
- Open Source APIs
- Search, Route, Navigate, Collect Data
- 2D/3D Mapping and Visualization
- Utility Network Tracking
- Working Offline
- ArcGIS and Game Engines
- ArcGIS and Game Engines: CIMIC Group
- ArcGIS 2021: System Overview and Highlights
- ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online
- Multi-dimensional Change Detection
- Analytics Overview: Big Data Analysis with GeoAnalytics
- Real-Time Analysis with ArcGIS Velocity
- Spatial Data Science, Data Engineering
- Advancements in Spatial Analytics, Time-Series Forecasting
- R-ArcGIS Bridge
- SAS-ArcGIS Bridge + Notebooks
- Geospatial AI, An Overview
- AI User Story: Road Extraction by PACI
- AI User Story: Extracting Railway Assets from LiDAR from L&T
- Object Tracking in FMV Using AI
- AI User Story: Integrated Mesh Scenes by Systematics
- AI User Story: AI on the Edge by City of Johns Creek, GA
- New APIs for ArcGIS Pro
- Extending and Automating Your Enterprise
- Workflow Automation Using the ArcGIS API for Python
- Distributed Collaboration
- Content Deployment Automation
- ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes – Overview and Deployment Automation
- ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes – Automated Maintenance
- ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes – Automate Scaling and Operating Your System