MyGalileoDrone. Soutěž, ve které na 1. místě dostanete 100 tisíc eur v hotovosti


O většině soutěží se dozvíte až na poslední chvíli. Nejinak je tomu s MyGalileoDrone, což je soutěž, pořádaná agenturou GSA.

Svůj koncept můžete přihlásit do 15. září 2020. Rozdávat se bude celkem 230 tisíc eur mezi čtyři vítěze. Takže pokud máte připravený nějaký projekt, zkuste se na něj podívat a poslat.

soutěž MyGalileoDrone


Odměny pro vítěze

  • 1st Prize: €100.000
  • 2nd Prize: €60.000
  • 3rd Prize: €40.000
  • 4th Prize: €30.000

Hodnotící kritéria v soutěže MyGalileoDrone

Kritéria pro hodnocení jsou v angličtině, ostatně jako celá soutěž.

Innovation (0-5): Is this kind of application or service not yet available on the market? Is the application technologically advanced (e.g. using multi-frequency, innovative algorithms)?

Market potential (0-5): Is this application / service sellable after repackaging this idea into a real service? Is there a potential market demand/customer base for this product?

Galileo-relevance (0-5): Is the application / service making use of Galileo? Is the increased accuracy offered by Galileo relevant for the application? Is the increased robustness provided by multi-constellation / multi- frequency relevant for the application?

Technical feasibility and service readiness (0-5): What is the level of progress since the start of the contest? Has the required level of completion for the phase been fully achieved?1 Is the applications/service ready to be delivered in the market?

Address regional development needs (0-5): Does the solution address needs of regional markets or improve the offer available in regional markets for the services proposed to be provided by the drone-based solution? In case additional authorisation are needed from the relevant national authority, are they identified and is the plan to achieve them credible?

Kde se přihlásit


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