Open Geospatial Consortium DATA

OGC vytváří pracovní skupinu pro formát GeoParquet, podobný CSV, ale pro geodata


Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) oznámilo vznik pracovní skupiny pro GeoParquet, cílem je vytvořit standard pro vektorová data, optimalizovaná pro cloudové prostředí.

GeoParquet přidává geoprostorové typy do Apache Parquet, což Apache popisuje jako „formát souboru pro ukládání a získávání dat orientovaných na sloupce, navržený pro efektivní datové úložiště a jejich vydávání. Poskytuje efektivní kompresi dat a kódovací schémata s vylepšeným výkonem pro hromadné zpracování složitých dat.“

GeoParquet začal před více než třemi lety jako společný projekt různých open source projektů a organizací, které se zavázaly k jeho implementaci a podpoře.

Oficiální tisková zpráva OGC o vzniku skupiny pro GeoParquet

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce the formation of the OGC GeoParquet Standards Working Group (SWG). The new SWG will work to advance the GeoParquet encoding format for adoption as an OGC Encoding Standard for cloud-native vector data.

GeoParquet adds geospatial types to Apache Parquet, described by Apache as “an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk.” For an introduction to the GeoParquet format, see this blog post.

GeoParquet started over 3 years ago as a community effort by different Open Source Projects and organizations that have committed to its implementation and support.

OGC is advancing a number of Standards to enable cloud-native geospatial ecosystems. GeoParquet fits in the group of data encoding Standards that are highly performant for large, cloud-based data stores, such as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF for tiled rasters and Zarr for datacubes. GeoParquet will, in time, enable vector datasets to be as readily accessible from the cloud as the other formats already well-used in the community.

The GeoParquet SWG will take the initial efforts incubated in OGC’s GeoParquet GitHub repository as a draft specification from which a candidate Standard will be developed. As with many other recent OGC Standards, the repository will remain open to contributions from outside OGC and documentation will evolve in concert with prototype implementations.

GeoParquet will be another encoding of the OGC Simple Features Standard, and as such will handle all Simple Feature geometries. While other OGC Standards also encode Simple Features, GeoParquet is intended to be optimized for native use in cloud environments. It is expected that GeoParquet will be tested as an encoding to be accessed by the OGC API family of Standards. The new SWG expects to have a candidate Standard ready for review and approval within one year.