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INSPIRACE Kalendář událostí UDÁLOSTI

Společný workshop projektů, financovaných z prostředků EU


Znáte projekty Briseide, CentraLab, Geotym, enviroGRIDS, Habitats, Plan4all, SDI-EDU? Nyní máte příležitost se s nimi podrobněji seznámit a načerpat zkušenosti, jak se evropské projekty dají dělat. Zúčastněte se společného workshopu, který se uskuteční 5. října 2011.

Akce je plánována jako předkonferenční workshop akce „Geomatika v projektech„, která se na zámku Kozel bude konat 6. října.

Vzhledem k přítomnosti zahraničních účastníků bude jednacím jazykem předkonferenčního workshopu angličtina.

Svůj zájem můžete projevit posláním e-mailu Karlu Janečkovi –

Seznam prezentovaných projektů:

  • Briseide
  • CentraLab
  • Geotym
  • enviroGRIDS
  • Habitats
  • Plan4all

Připravovaný program semináře

  • 08:30-09:00 Arrival or participants, Registration
  • 09:00-09:10 Welcome speach by Karel Janecka (University of West Bohemia, CZ)
  • 09:10-09:30 CentraLab
    • Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation; Janecka, K. (University of West Bohemia, CZ)
    • Pilot on Environment and Education; Cerba, O. (University of West Bohemia, CZ)
  • 09:30-10:30 Geotym
    • Sensor Web Enablement – OGC standard for work with sensor data. Duda, P. (Masaryk University, CZ)
    • Sensors, SWE and international spatial data initiatives. Stampach, R. (Masaryk University, CZ)
  • 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
  • 10:45-13:00 Briseide
    • Short description of the project and its objectives. Debiasi, A. (Graphitech Fondazione, IT)
    • BRISEIDE and GI management: relevance for EU cohesion The IQ2U example: Monitoring environmental quality in urban areas. Vale, M. (Istituto Geografico Portugues, PT)
    • Ingestion services
    • BRISEIDE metadata profile. Jezek, J. (University of West Bohemia, CZ)
    • Pilot: Flood portal
    • BRISEIDE SDI. Caldon, S. (Reggiani, IT)
    • BRISEIDE 3D client. Debiasi, A. (Graphitech Fondazione, IT)
    • BRISEIDE Portal. Charvat, K. (Help Service Remote Sensing, CZ)
    • Technology transfer policy and business development opportunities created by BRISEIDE.
    • BRISEIDE Training Package. Janecka, K. (University of West Bohemia, CZ)
  • 13:00-14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00-14:50 Kozel Castle Tour
  • 14:50-16:00 Plan4all
    • Infrastructure for Spatial Information; Pauknerova, E. (Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, CZ)
    • Plan4all Introduction; Mildorf, T. (University of West Bohemia, CZ)
    • Experience with data harmonisation – Czech pilot; Dvorak, M. (City of Olomouc, CZ)
    • INFLUENCE of PLAN4ALL project on standardisation of spatial planning documents and Regional SDIs in Poland“ – process evolution and implementation expamples; Lach, R. (Secretary of NCP of Plan4all Project in Poland, PL)
  • 16:00-16:15 Coffee Break
  • 16:15-17:00 SDI-EDU
    • Educational geoportal for spatial planning; Janecka, K. (University of West Bohemia)
    • SDI-EDU educational curriculum in use; Hiess, J. (Czech Association for Geoinformation)
  • 17:00-17:30 Habitats
    • Social Validation of INSPIRE Annex III Data Structures in EU Habitats; Charvat, K. (Help Service Remote Sensing, CZ)
  • 17:30-18:00 enviroGRIDS
    • Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development; Charvat, K. (Help Service Remote Sensing, CZ)
  • 18:00 End of the Joint Workshop

Short descriptions of participating projects


2010–2012, CIP-ICT-PSP-2009-3, website

Anotation: BRISEIDE aims at Delivering of time-aware extension of data models developed in the context of previous/ongoing EU INSPIRE related projects (e.g. in the context of GMES, eContentPlus); Application (e.g. Civil Protection) based on the integration of existing, user operational information and Value added services for spatio-temporal data management, authoring, processing, analysis and interactive visualisation. BRISEIDE is applied, tested and validated within a Civil Protection application context, using the INSPIRE relevant themes, via a chain of stakeholders, data providers, technology partners, and downstream users. The Pilot operational phase took 12 months and considered real life events, with extensions in additional domains, being considered and assessed.


2011–2013, website

Anotation: CentraLab aims at transforming Central Europe into a broad-reaching laboratory for innovation, encompassing not only technology, but also – equally important and often neglected – social and organisational innovation. In so doing, it intends to clarify the competitive advantage of a new model of innovation that draws on Central Europe’s deep, common cultural heritage and needs to be based on re-connection and re-integration of peoples and regions. This will strengthen territorial cohesion, promote internal integration and enhance competitiveness through reciprocal learning. CentraLab thus addresses the Innovation Priority through its systemic rather than linear approach to improving the climate for innovation in all regions and to enable them to make better use of their innovation potential. There is in fact an increasing consensus that the current technology-driven approach of most innovation policies needs to be complemented with a focus on territorial and regional development.


2010–2012, website

Anotation: The project is focused on development of human potential quality and establishment of a strong scientific research team in the field of geoinformatics, which will support processes in information society using spatial data. Because of current legislative changes (INSPIRE Directive) and development of other European activities in the field of geoinformation infrastructures (GMES), it is necessary to innovate education of young scientific workers and postgraduate students, who represent the main target group. The project will combine short-term stays at foreign research institutions, e-learning and workshops with active participation of target group members and foreign specialists. Knowledge and skills acquired during short-term stays will be actively disseminated during workshops to other members of the target group and also to selected specialists from scientific research organizations.


2009–2013, website

Anotation: The Black Sea Catchment is internationally known as one of ecologically unsustainable development and inadequate resource management, which has led to severe environmental, social and economic problems. The EnviroGRIDS @ Black Sea Catchment project addresses these issues by bringing several emerging information technologies that are revolutionizing the way we are able to observe our planet. The Group on Earth Observation Systems of Systems (GEOSS) is building a data-driven view of our planet that feeds into models and scenarios to explore our past, present and future. EnviroGRIDS aims at building the capacity of scientist to assemble such a system in the Black Sea Catchment, the capacity of decision-makers to use it, and the capacity of the general public to understand the important environmental, social and economic issues at stake. EnviroGRIDS will particularly target the needs of the Black Sea Commission (BSC) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) in order to help bridging the gap between science and policy.


2010–2012, website

Anotation: HABITATS aims to operationalise a broad range of public and private services that require the use of reliable spatial environmental data regarding living species and their habitats, enabling those services to access the required information because it has been made available according to a common format. In order to reach its main objective, the HABITATS project has the following operational objectives: Build HABITATS User Communities of stakeholders involved in the demand and supply of spatial information, usage scenarios, requirements and services; Consolidate best practice from previous experiences; Define and implement data and metadata models for INSPIRE Annex III themes 16, 17, 18 and 19; Design and open and efficient HABITATS SDI network service architecture to deploy services; Develop new services and service features through the validation pilots to validate robustness, relevance and added value of the INSPIRE-copliant data and metadata models; Develop a service toolkit for new services development; Disseminate project results to environmental and scientific communitie; Sustainable operation of the HABITATS Services.


2009–2011, ECP 2008 GEO 318007, website

Anotation: The PLAN4ALL project should contribute to standardisation in the field of spatial data from spatial planning point of view. Its activities and results will become a reference material for INSPIRE initiative and other related projects. Plan4all is focused on the following 7 spatial data themes as outlined in Annex II and III of the INSPIRE Directive:

  • Land cover
  • Land use
  • Utility and Government services
  • Production and industrial facilities
  • Agricultural and aquaculture facilities
  • Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units
  • Natural risk zones


2009–2011, CZ/09/LLP-LdV/TOI/134010, website

Anotation: Due to the INSPIRE Directive and its implementation each Member State has to transpose the INSPIRE Directive into its national legislation and to develop the interoperable services allowing the management and sharing of spatial data. There will be also requirements on spatial planning to accept the implementation rules of INSPIRE Directive. For two years, SDI-EDU was going to support training of responsible people to set up and use some of these services according to the specific problems of the EU regions on local and regional level. Thus the project let the regions participate actively in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. The European regions, provinces and municipalities will use the results of SDI-EDU to promote their cultural and socio-economic heritage and to find the Spatial Data Infrastructure useful to the regular management of their territories.

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