Markus Neteler bude přednášet v Praze

Markus Neteler / GeoBusiness

Jedna z významných osobností open sourceového gisového světa Markus Neteler, který v 90. letech významně posunul vývoj GRASS GIS, bude přednášet v Praze. Vyzvaná přednáška se uskuteční ve středu 6. února od 15 hod. na Stavební fakultě ČVUT v Praze (Thákurova 6, Praha 6).

Přednáška ponese název „Open Source business in practice: Earth observation and more“.

Dále přebíráme z pozvánky:

In the presentation we introduce concepts of Free and Open Source (FOSS) GIS software. The presenter is involved for more than two decades in community building and GIS development. On the grounds of a scientific career, he co-founded the startup mundialis in 2015. Specialized in the analysis of remote sensing data and the processing of massive geodata, mundialis relies on and develops FOSS GIS software. Through the analysis of Copernicus Sentinel and MODIS satellite data using cloud based ondemand processing, mundialis assesses changes in land use, forest health, land surface temperatures or vegetation phenology. In the presentation several projects for WHO, ESA, and industry are shown in addition to research projects related to tree planting in arid areas and urban monitoring. The software stack used at mundialis includes GRASS GIS, GDAL, QGIS, OTB, GeoServer, SHOGun and Openshift. The growth of mundialis over the past three years highlights the fact that enterprises can be based on and contribute to Free and Open Source software by applying innovative business models.

Markus Neteler, PhD, is cofounder and CEO of mundialis. After 15 years as a researcher in Italy with focus on eco-health, biodiversity, GIS and Earth observation he now oversees in mundialis numerous projects on remote sensing,
GIS and cloud computing. Since 1997, he is coordinator of the GRASS GIS project.