
GIS Visions 2045 naváže na konferenci před dvaceti lety

Na konferenci z roku 2005 naváže na jaře 2025 další ročník GIS Visions 2045

Před dvaceti lety se v září 2005 konala mezinárodní konference, nazvaná GIS Visions 2025.
Tehdejším cílem bylo zkusit naznačit, jakým směrem se geoinformační technologie budou ubírat v následujících dvaceti letech.

V roce 2025 na ni naváže seminář GIS Visions 2045. Stejně jako před lety, i nyní bude organizátorem VŠB – TU Ostrava a její geoinformatici.

Přijďte popustit uzdu své fantazii. Pozvánka na GIS Visions 2045

Jan Růžička v pozvánce píše:

Seminář GIS Visions 2045 naváže na konferenci GIS Visions 2025, kterou jsme organizovali v roce 2005. Cílem té konference bylo setkání otevřených myslí, které se nebojí předpovědět, jak by geonformatika (GIS) mohla vypadat v roce 2025.

Zazněla celá řada příspěvků od českých i zahraničních účastníků. V roce 2025 bychom chtěli navázat a zorganizovat další setkání a jsme rádi, že nám prostor nabídla konference GIS Ostrava 2025. Setkání je plánováno v jazyce anglickém, tak jak bylo v roce 2005.

Pokusíme se oslovit všechny tehdejší přednášející, aby zhodnotili své tehdejší vystoupení. V další části semináře pak předpokládáme nové prognózy pro rok 2045.

Pokud byste chtěli v rámci semináře vystoupit s nějakým tématem, pište prosím na jan.ruzicka.vsb@gmail.com. Přijďte se pobavit, protože seminář má být spíše zábavný než vážný, a popustit uzdu své fantazii.

GIS Visions 2005 – konference před 20 lety

V archivech se podařilo dohledat tehdejší pozvánku a program konference.

Dear GI-friends and sci-fi fans,

We are organising non-traditional conference concerned on geographic information science and technology. The goal of our conference is bring together people that are bored of traditional conferences in that area, that show usually solved problems from different points of view and applied in different areas. Our conference would like to present only ideas and views how geographic science and technology could look in the year 2025.

The scientific committee will accept only papers that present ideas that are not applicable (or very hardly applicable) in the year 2005. Part of the conference will be workshop on Open Source GIS, because we believe that open source GIS software could be future of the GIS.

  • GEODIS Brno, s.r.o.
  • T-MAPY spol. s r.o.
  • ARCDATA PRAHA, s.r.o.

Journal partners

GEOinformace (Pozn. red.: GeoBusiness vzniknul z GEOinformace až v roce 2008.)

Conference topics

  • open source and its future,
  • man as a natural part of the global information system,
  • knowledge based society,
  • space (cosmic) information systems,
  • and more…


Monday 19th September 2005

  • 9:00 – 12:00 Workshop – Open Source GIS (Room C5)

The workshop will briefly introduce participants to the open source GIS comunity (some principles and software wil be presented), but we hope that the main part of the workshop will be about discussion between potencial open source users, current open source users and open source developers (current or future). We hope that the workshop will produce some type of document that will contain user needs and current user experience with open source GIS tools. We do not want to just discuss, but also recognise what are the GIS users needs and we would like to find out if there are software in the open source are that are powerful enough to perform user’s tasks. We know that the are big gaps in the functionality of the open source GIS tools and the workshop can help to describe them.

  • 9:00 – 10:00: Presentation of the GIS Open Source tools: GRASS, JUMP, QGIS, PostGIS, GDAL, OGR, UMN MapServer, uDIG, gvSIG, Thuban, …
  • 10:00 – 10:10: Short break
  • 10:10 – 11:10: User needs and white gaps. What we need? Is there any available tool? – Discussion
  • 11:10 – 11:20: Short break
  • 11:20 – 12:00: Open Source Business model
  • 14:00 – 14:10 Opening the conference (Room C5)
  • 14:10 – 15:50 Session (Room C5):

Wolfgang Stoessel (Bavarian State Mapping and Surveying Agency, Germany): Building a spatial data infrastructure in Bavaria using Open Source software

Shattri Mansor (University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia): Imagery, detection, and management of oil spills in Malaysian Marine environments

Pavel Praks (VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic): Intelligent information retrieval for future GIS

Malgorzata Gajos (University of Silesia, Poland): Freedom of access to the geoinformation

Jan Ruzicka (VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic): Open Semantic GeoWeb and its Orchestration


  • 15:50 – 16:10 Coffee break
  • 16:10 – 17:50 Session (Room C5)

Ovidiu Anicai (Institute for Computers, Romania): Astrographic Information Systems (AIS)

Petr Rapant (VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic): Parallel worlds

Lukas Madl (Austrian Research Centers, Seibersdorf research GmbH, Austria): From fun to insight – virtual earth tools of tomorrow

Sven Schade and Alexander C. Walkowski (University of Münster): Five Revolutions in Geoinformatics – Caused by Geo-Sensor Networks

Karel Jedlicka and Václav Čada (University of West Bohemia): Generalized World


  • 18:00 – 18:10 Walk to the after session party place called Panorama

  • 18:10 – 01:30 After sessions party

Tuesday 20th September 2005

  • 9:00 – 10:00 Session (Room C5)

Bitta J., Jančík P., Umlauf M. (VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic): Vision of Air Quality Management System

Li Zhong (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Geoinformation support for exploratory teams


  • 10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break

  • 10:15 – 10:50 Session (Room C5)

Petr Fuks (VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic): Agents are everywhere

Ad hoc Papers


  • 10:50 – 11:50 Round table: Future of the „GIS education“ (Room C5)

  • 11:50 – 12:00 Summary, greetings … (Room C5)

  • 14:00 – 17:00 Workshop – GRASS GIS (Room J339 (Advanced users), Room J424 (Beginners))

Workshop introduces participants with GRASS GIS 6.0 and its basic functionality. Workshop will proceed in computer room where participants can try practical tasks in GRASS GIS with training datasets used during presentation.

We will split workshop to two groups: Beginners and Advanced users. Beginners will start with using OS GNU/Linux and then follow with some basic GRASS GIS tasks such as environment, visualisation, mapcalc. Advanced users will be concerned on more sofisticated tasks.

Following list shows tasks that could be exercised.

  • Getting started with GRASS GIS 6.0 – text vs. graphical environment, mapset creation, coordinate system setting
  • Graphical environment, menu system, graphical monitors, working with Display Manager
  • Utilisation of OGR (vector data) and GDAL (raster data) library for data import/export
  • Working with raster data, raster operations and analyses, vectorisation
  • Working with vector data, map algebra, net analyses, interpolation, digitisation
  • Transformation between coordinate systems – vector and raster data (S-JTSK, S-42, WGS-84, UTM)
  • 3D data visualisation – NVIZ module, virtual flights
  • Module Vis5D+ (visualisation of 4D and 5D data)
  • A number of participants of the workshop GRASS GIS is limited. They will be choosen according to date of registration to the confenece.